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  • Dr. Mike Purdon

A word from the Patient Advisory Committee

Guisachan Family Medicine has operated a Patient Advisory Committee since 2017. This committee is comprised of patients from our practices and, when it meets, it is attended by a Guisachan physician and our clinic manager Sarah. We meet every three months to review how the practice is serving our patients. We review all aspects of the patient experience and the discussion is recorded in notes and shared with all of the physicians. The committee has been instrumental in shaping some of the recent changes at our clinic, including the remodel and the establishment of this website. One of the patient members of the committee kindly offered to write about her experience working with us to improve the patient experience at GFM.

“As the sun sets lower and cooler temperatures emerge, our beautiful summer quickly slips away. Many of us welcome fall, as the children return to school, mornings are crisper and the leaves begin their autumn transformation and of course HOCKEY starts up!

After taking a break over the summer, the Guisachan Patient Advisory Committee (GPAC) will also resume our regular meetings. The GPAC is a diverse group of patients...just like you! The group is tasked with providing a patient perspective on the care and service at YOUR HOME medical center. We spend time sharing new ideas and group discussion, together with the Guisachan staff representatives, to improve your overall experience and care at the clinic.

If you have been by the clinic lately, I'm sure you have noticed a few changes! It was exciting to take a tour at our last meeting and to see and learn how much more functional and practical the renewed space is. The renovation was long needed and has made the Guisachan Family Medicine patient experience so much more inviting. The staff are pretty happy with the new work space too! Word has it, your GPAC had an impact on making it all happen.

If you are reading this blog, you have already discovered the new website. Be sure to explore the site, there is much to see! Not only can you book your next appointment online, you can also read about the doctors and staff and the hours they are available for appointments. The site also offers a great "go-to" for reliable online health and wellness advice. Good to know when searching the net for help anytime day or night. At our last meeting, the committee spent some time brainstorming different ideas for future posts that would be of interest and helpful for all of us. The possibilities are endless. The best part is, you know you can TRUST the site: nothing is posted without the review and consent of the clinic's staff.

There are many more exciting happenings coming up for the Family of Guisachan Family Medicine! Be sure to keep checking in on the website!

The committee will continue to try to be the patient's voice and look forward to the future growth. We will keep you posted.

Keep well and remember to SMILE!”

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1 Comment

Dec 08, 2020

There is much I like about the online and telephone visits. However they don't contain the natural pauses that might occur during a personal visit. It is in these times where one remembers something else they want to ask. It would be nice if the software could generate a one-time question form to ask that one thing you forgot about. I am not promoting a full time email link with my doctor, just a chance to ask a 2nd question a bit later. thanks - Gordon Peachey

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